17th of Eleasis (Highsun) – Summer 1486
Location: Goldenfields
Pinko tended the wounded while Smacky relieved the dead of any valuables they no longer required and Cockseepage napped indulgently in the late morning sun like a cat who’d mutilated not one, but thirteen defenceless creatures before noon. Zi took account of the losses and damage to the defences as Miros chatted to Shalvis and bound up the wounded Zhentarim spy-come-stable hand’s nasty slash mark. A mere twenty or so minutes had elapsed since the attack was turned away when Abbot Ellardin Darovik and his retinue of senior druids were spotted pacing towards them from the direction of town. Zi and the surviving guards able to do so stood at attention as the ageing Abbot painfully climbed the stairs to the wall. “Now cut that out everyone, you know I don’t care for that military formality.” the old man croaked. His feigned crankiness poorly covered his obvious relief and fatherly feelings towards the young Monk. “The enemy has retreated Abbot.” replied Zi without relaxing her posture. “Though it cost us dearly.” Her glance flicked to the rows of dead and wounded in the courtyard below. Fewer than a dozen of the original two scores of defenders appeared to be uninjured. “That it did my child, that it did.” The Abbot conceded, genuine emotion in his voice as he too surveyed the devastation. “How did we come to lose so many of the following?” he muttered to himself.
After an appropriate moment of silence or perhaps not reading the rhetorical nature of his observation, Zi continued ”I know not my Abbot, but It would have been many more if not for these brave townsfolk and adventu…” Her sentence was cut short by a sharp and confident voice. “Because your Captain of the Guard is a fool and drunk!” All eyes turned to Cockseepage who moments before had appeared to be snoozing but now stood in the midday sun striking an imperial pose and adopting her most thespian tones. The Abbot’s face was now contorted in confusion. “Now-now young lady Captain Strog is…” “USELESS!” interrupted the tiefling dramatically for the second time. “You place your trust in a man long past his prime who cares more for his ale than his post, or the wonderful town you entrusted him to defend. How did a Hill Giant get over the walls unseen?!” She gestured towards the murder of crows already feasting on Ogg’s delicious eyeballs in the wheat field to her left. “Where were the rest of the guards when this literal army of urchins arrived unreported to the very walls of town?!” The sweeping motion of her right arm directing attention across the field of battle littered with steaming goblinoid corpses. “I have been here but two days and I have seen you have more than the strength of arms enough to repeal such a puny attack easily if only you had installed the correct leadership to back it up.” Seeps wandering to the rear edge of the parapet and gazed down at the dead and dying elven scouts, tears in her eyes. “So many lives could have been saved.” Smacky started sniffling in sympathy of this beautiful if unexpected monologue. Pinko was self-conscious that if his jaw dropped any lower or eyebrows raised any higher in bewilderment and scepticism of this melodrama his face would become permanently disfigured.
Completely stunned into a near whisper and shaking his head in deep thought Abbot Darovik eventually proffered “But if not Strog then who? He is the most experienced candidate we have.” With as much understanding and reverence as she could muster, Cockseepage the Torment reached her theatric crescendo. “Is it not obvious?” She took a few deliberate steps towards the still rigidly poised figure of Zi Liang. “Who put themselves unselfishly in harm's way?” A step. Zi’s eyes locked with Seeps though she did not move. “Who’s bravery inspired the elven guards to stand firm in the face of overwhelming odds.” Another step. The colour of Zi’s stoic white cheeks now flushed crimson. “Who led us from the Inn to victory in the Wheat fields outside town, then onwards to defend the wall, slashing down foe after foe, saving Miros’ life though it nearly cost him his own?” Confusion now replaced embarrassment on the Monk’s features as Seep’s hand shot out, grabbed a shocked Shalvis by the shoulder and thrust him into the middle of the Abbot’s eye line. “A new set of eyes with fresh thinking behind them! A new perspective untainted by ‘traditional’ military service who in a few short hours has done more for this town than Strog has done in years? A new hope for Goldenfields!” Cockseepage completed her speech with a flourish and a bow before deftly stepping out of the way to watch the next scene unfold.

His espionage training kicking into auto-pilot, Shalvis also bowed and then kneeled before the Abbot proclaiming, “My Lord, I am here to serve.” Though he had no idea what the hell Seeps was doing, he thought it best to play along. As the Warlock’s performance reached its climax Smacky broke out in spontaneous, if solo, applause and finally Pinko’s rictus relaxed now he'd worked out what the hell Seep’s game was. A Zhentarim Spy as Guard Captain of Goldenfields… the idea had merit, he gave her that, the execution he could take or leave. Observing Zi Liang, Pinko expected to see a burning fury in her eyes, though all he spotted seemed more akin to relief as her posture finally relaxed in line with his own.
The Abbot appraised the fealty of the stablehand. “Shalvis isn’t it? Stand up boy, I don’t go in for that 'Liege' stuff. Let me take a look at you”. Shalvis rose. “Perhaps this Adventurer is right. She seems a most trustworthy judge of character.” Pinko stifled an outburst of involuntary laughter with a fake cough. “Come see me in my office once you have recovered, we will discuss this proposal further. Now I’ll let you all rest.” As Ellardin began to descend the steps Shalvis seized both the moment and unexpectedly Zi Liang’s hand. She was startled, but also did not pull away. “I am honoured and eager my Lord, though in truth, two heads are better than one and I’m sure I’d serve better with someone under or occasionally,” he shot Zi the most charming of looks he could muster “on top of me.” Zi’s hand snapped to her side and her porcelain features were now cherry red, but a tiny smile graced her usually dour facade as she feigned contempt at the suggestive remark. Oblivious to this exchange, the Abbot nodded. “As you wish, Zi is a fine student and asset to the Enclave, she may join you if she desires it.”
“Right! Drinks are on me!” Roared Miros heartily as he once more offered wincingly strong slaps on the back all round. The Mickale Trio headed back to the Northfurrow Inn to recuperate from the long night of trials. They had survived their first major conflict, scabbed some decent loot from the battlefield, and perhaps even inserted a Zhentarim agent in the Emerald Enclave Fortress-farm of Goldenfields. Not bad for an evenings work. Not “good” certainly… but not too “bad” either.
The evening's revelry at the pub provided a few interesting tidbits of gossip as the shared joy of not-being-dead was in full swing. Miros had interrupted his own heavy boozing to share his reflections on past battles, young love and life in general with the equally intoxicated Cockseepage. Coming so close to death made him sentimental, and he asked Seepage if she ever visited the town of Amphail to give his regards to an old flame, Arleosa Starhenge, the proprietor of the local tavern there called the Stag-Horned Flagon.
Stumbling outside to take a piss, the presence of a convenient tree trunk in the middle of the previously bare town square only piqued Pinko’s interest mid-stream as he felt eyes on his actively urinating member. Lifferlas didn’t seem to mind the casual watering. He had been pondering his conversation with Pinks the previous day and had recalled a name, Turlang the Treant, who lived at Shadowtop Cathedral, deep in the High Forest. His master Aerglas the Giant Hunter had sought out the treant’s wisdom, and perhaps he could be found there still and may be able to give insight into the current Giant upheaval.
Smacky awoke on the bar floor in a pile of what he hoped was his own vomit. He remembered absolutely nothing of the previous night except that by not remembering he must have had a really good time. A crudely drawn white mushroom was painted on his stomach and other seedy patrons whom he had no recollection of ever talking to repeated hearty morning greetings, addressing him as “Mr Magic Poop Guy”.
Drunker than he'd been in a long while, Pinko had regressed to his roots and came to between the actual roots of Lifferlas, who was now planted immobile just outside of the inn. The sun was already climbing fast, and striding towards him was a beaming Shalvis, now bearing a fresh green cloak adorned with the Emerald Enclave insignia and wing-plumed helmet tucked under his arm. Zi was still dressed in her modest monks' robes, though stood perhaps a touch closer than absolutely necessary to the Zhent Spy when he came to attention in front of the hungover Druid. Shalvis offered a wrist grab and Pinks accepted, allowing himself to be dragged to his feet, then wishing he hadn't. Any injury Shalvis had incurred in battle seemed to no longer be a hindrance. Catching Pinko’s glance to where there had previously been a sizable hole in his side, Shalvis winked and said “Zi attended to my healing, she has many unseen talents”. This time only the slightest flush of colour crossed her cheeks, quickly followed by a restrained elbow to the exact spot the goblin had hit him. Shalvis chuckled and gasped to get his wind back as Zi stepped forward. “More talents than you yet know.” A half-smile again cracked through her straight demeanour.
She addressed the Wood Elf formally. “Thank you Master Pinko, you and your friends have settled a long-held reservation I have fought with the past few years. My family is from Waterdeep and are wealthy merchants. They wished me to marry to build strong business connections, but my calling is to Chauntea and the protection of Goldenfields. Here, take this.” From around her neck, she unclasped a brilliant black pearl on a fine golden chain that was at gross odds with her simple acolyte garb and handed it to Pinko. ”This is my birthright, I wish it not. Give it to Cauldar Marskyl, the head butler of House Thann in Waterdeep, and what was to be mine shall now be yours. It should help you on your future journeys.” Now recovered and playing with a lock of Zi’s hair while she intently ignored him, Shalvis slipped Pinko an envelope, careful to conceal the flying-snake seal from exposure to Zi’s eyes. “One more favour my friend. I thank you heartily for your assistance in elevating me to such lofty heights. I see a great future for Goldenfields, though it may take time. My old employer, a mutual friend of ours, should be made aware of what has transpired here and know I shan't be returning to my old role. Please pass on this letter explaining everything to him. Nalaskur Thaelond can be found in Bargewright Inn to the North of town. He may have further work for you too.
A crashing from above caused all three bystanders to take evasive action as a half-dressed tiefling fell out of a low overhead branch and landed in the dirt. Seeps still reeked of Golengulp Ale and it was unclear if she'd drunk it, worn it, regurgitated it or a mixture of all three. Noticing that the helmet Shalvis carried looked suspiciously like the one worn by Captain Strog at their meeting two days prior Seepage knew her work was done, chundered on her own feet heartily and wandered off to find a trough to wash in. The appearance of Smacky at that exact moment from the Inn wearing nothing but a filthy loin cloth dragging his kit bag and weapons behind him cemented Pinko's decision that it was probably time to make a move. Zi and Shalvis took their leave. Pinko watched as they walked away and Zi used her lightning-fast reflexes to remove the new Captain of the Guard's hand from her arse, but then continue to hold it at a more respectful distance despite her indignation.
Distant protestations accompanied by the sounds of splashing water and swear words from the direction of the stables informed Pinks that either Seeps, Smacky or both had begun washing off the filth of the previous evening's debauchery and perhaps it was time the "Heroes" of Goldenfields took their leave. He looked down at the black pearl necklace in his hand. Though obviously not magical, at the very least it would be worth a pretty penny if the promised reward was less than exciting. Food delivery wagons were already heading to the gates bound for Waterdeep. If they were quick they could hitch a ride. He briefly considered joining in the bathing activities of his comrades, then remembered he'd already had a bath this year and decided to pass.
Next Episode: Wandering Waterdeep