13th-15th of Eleasis (Highsun) – Summer 1486
Location: Dessarin Valley & Goldenfields
A bright new day greeted the trio as they left Nightstone with Mr Fluffywings in tow, bound for Goldenfields and the promise of more shady dealings with the Zhentarim. Using well the safe passage through the Ardeep Forest that Cockseepage was promised by the Elves, they saw no one under the canopy yet found their path strangely direct and unimpeded through the woods. Exiting the enchanted trees and descending into the Dessarin Valley, that night they were set upon by some wolves while camping on the banks of the Dessarin River. Though it had been less than two weeks since their last run-in with wild animals nearly killed them, this encounter merely resulted in Smacky getting a nice new fluffy groyne cloth.
The next morning they stumbled across Northfurrow, the trade road from Waterdeep to the food basket that is Goldenfields and it wasn’t long before they crossed paths with a group of hunters, bound to sell their recent kill in town. Seeps had other ideas for the carcase, and after exchanging pleasantries killed one of the hunters in cold blood and stole the deer while his two companions fled screaming into the wilderness. Apparently, this was a plan to get through the gates of the city (by posing to be the hunters) yet when they approached Goldenfield's gate was wide open and they simply wandered in through the huge Fortress Farm walls with a quiet nod from the guards. It was evident Goldenfields was strongly garrisoned, even if the walls were poorly maintained. Towering mini-citadels flanked the main gates and stretching away both north and south were evenly spaced watch towers with patrols of elven scouts wandering vigilantly between them.
Ditching their “cover” deer, within the gates the first thing they came across was a large statue of Chauntea, goddess of life and bounty, cradling cornucopias of bronze produce. At the market stall beneath the goddess, a slight, dark-haired woman dressed in acolytes robes greeted them. She identified herself formally as Zi Liang, a monk of the Emerald Enclave and follower of the Abbott who oversaw Goldenfields as its leader. Pinko deftly pulled out his Emerald Enclave "Springwarden" credentials given to him by Blowinbogan and carefully hid his Zhentarim pin. Seeing him as the protector of the Natural World that he was, Zi offered her services as a guide and the party spent the day exploring the town with her, learning the layout of the city and what was on offer here.

As the sun set and workers left the fields, all traffic lead to the Norhtfurrow End tavern. Smacky breasted the bar and indeed found it to be run by Miros Xelbrin, a huge man with shocking amounts of white hair covering his person. In his youth Miros had been part of a travelling sideshow and called himself “The Yeti”, these days he ran the tavern and had sworn his service to the Enclave.
As Morak predicted, he was devastated by the news of the Cloud Giant attack on Nightstone that killed his parents, his grief perhaps exacerbated through Smacky’s less than tactful delivery. He was thankful nonetheless for the return of his Tressym, Mr Fluffywings, and offered Pinko, Seeps and Smacky their board in the Inn for free while they conducted business in town.

Back on the mission after a late breakfast the following day, they managed to locate Shalvis, the Zhent spy who Xoltin had indicated would be hiding out in plain sight as a shepherd working for the Enclave. This wolf among the sheep of farmers cut a nearly flawless picture of a working-class man, though there was something a little too vain about how his perfectly manicured goatee stood out from his muddy chocolate skin. Shalvis wanted their help in finding a way to gain some influence in town. From his observations, the defences were far too strong for a military coup, so they’d need to find another way. The captain of the guard was perhaps one option. The man was a blaggard and lazy, with ambition beyond his mental acuity.

While helping the Zhents appealed to Seeps and Smacky, Pinko instead headed to the Goldenfields Grove, hoping to find some fellow Druids and perhaps news of any survivors from the attack on his Commune. Unfortunately for him, none of the Enclave Druids had left the town in months and they had not heard of the attack on the Grove of the Furries, let alone met any survivors. Distraught Pinks rested below a huge old oak tree... which began to stir. Lifferlas was an Awakened Tree, his master was a Druid and adventurer long since departed Goldenfields. In discussion, Pinko told Lifferlas of the Cloud Giant's attack on Nightstone, and the ancient creature suggested his creator Aerglas might be able to assist if giants are stirring as he had heard many tales of Aerglas hunting and defeating Giants who threatened the woods when he was a sapling.
Not terribly interested in conversing with flora, Seeps and Smacky headed instead to the Goldengulp brewery where they found not only excellent ale but also Strog Thunderblade, the half-orc Captain of the Guard who lived in the tower above the pub that Shalvis had informed them of. Taking the lead, Seeps managed to strike up a good conversation with the captain, instantly pinning him as both highly incompetent and incredibly lazy. Strog would have once been a fine-cut soldier proud of his half-orcish roots, but it was obvious that he had gone to fat and was now here for the free booze and should the town ever come under any real threat, would stand about as much chance as an ice block in Avernus. Over a long lunch, Cockseepage managed to instil doubt in the good captain that perhaps the crumbling defences were in fact the Abbott’s failing associating too much with the tree-hugging Enclave, and that a stronger, more military-minded man should consider taking the lead… for the good of Goldenfields of course. Further, Seepage suggested that such a man could do well to seek out others more attuned to his experience and skills who may have different and superior resources and political alignments. Several beers in, she left him to these thoughts. Smacky meanwhile drank half his bodyweight in Goldengulp with the off-duty guards and fell in a pond while chasing a goose that stole his pretzel.
Retiring to the Northfurrow End, sleep was barely negotiated when the screams of a panicked Halfling came running through the middle of town raising the alarm. “Goblins! Goblins have been seen within the walls! To arms! To arms!” called the overstimulated bard who had passed out in a wheatfield and woke to the chatter of goblins looting a nearby silo. Rushing downstairs just in time to see Miros grab a massive crossbow from under the bar and charge into the cool misty night, weapons drawn, Smacky, Pinks and Seeps follow him into the town square. Shalvis, dressed in black and sporting a pair of deadly-looking small daggers that belied a common shepherd came running from the stables while the awakened tree Lifferlas lumbered into the open. “Where are they?!” his creaking voice rumbled. The promise of bloody battle sharpened his often slow mind of Smacky and he charged up the Bailey to the top of the bell tower, ignoring the chain usually used for such a purpose and smashing the giant bell with his war hammer, alerting the guards all along the watch towers of the incursion. Answering smaller bells replied from each point of the dark night and hundreds of pinpricks of torch light burst into life along the walls. With his eagle-eye vision, Smacky spotted a disturbance in the wheatfields just on the edge of town, a group of creatures trying to move unseen but causing unnatural waves in the fodder. He tore back downstairs just in time to hear screams from a nearby farm pierce the night, and all six of the defenders charged towards the sound.
Two huge ogres, a handful of bugbears and a dozen goblins were pillaging the fields and premises on the outskirts of the settlement. Pinko summoned a pair of brown bears to aid in the counter-offensive as the huge tree Lifferlas stomped slowly toward the ogres swinging his massive appendages. A short but fierce battle ensued, Seep’s Eldritch Blasts firing from behind the cover of a rock wall while Smacky and the bears bounded forward recklessly hurling themselves into the fray. Shalvis bought himself a patch of trouble and a nasty would down his side charging into a cottage and being met by a goblin ambush. Miros spent more time fighting against his aging heavy crossbow than he did firing it as the blasted thing refused to play nice. With the raiding party destroyed, Smacky pointed towards the fields where he’d seen the shadows moving in the wheat and the defenders continued the hunt for the invading forces.
Coming to an intersection in the fields with a well and an abandoned farmhouse, a goblin ambush sprung raining black-tailed arrows upon the party as they approached. Lifferlas provided taunting cover from the barbs while Pinko wild shaped into a raging Brown bear and joined his summoned ursine fellows, descending as a pack upon the goblins hiding in the ruins. The battle seemed to be proceeding well, Seepage utilised cover to close in and Witch-bolt an ogre from behind that was engaged with Smacky, and even the hobgoblins were no match for the raging barbarian supported by friendly crossbow fire. until the ground-shaking footsteps of two enormous creatures interrupted the scene.

The sound stopped momentarily, only to be broken by a huge boulder crushing one of Pinko’s bears and another narrowly missing Seeps as she ducked behind a stone wall. The Hill Giants, Lob and Oog brandished further chunks of stone debris and waded into the fray giving heart to the surviving goblins. Undaunted, Smacky unleashed a series of hamstringing and ball-crushing strikes on Lob while Lifferlas’ engaged his massive branch appendages to slam Oog into submission. Smacky kneecapped Lob while Seeps unleashed a fearsome witch-bolt blowing a chunk out of him. This gave the raging barbarian all he needed to bring Blunt Rosethorn down to shatter Lob's skull. Pinko tore through the remaining goblins and Oog, seeing Lob fall, was brought to heel. Dropping his club and crying like a baby, Oog revealed their master plan was to steal food for his wife, Guh, Chief of the Hill Giants in Grudd Haug, if they would spare his life. Following the battle, Lifferlas left to find the Abbott and update him as to the attacker's goals while silver horns rang through the grey pre-dawn mist from the walls to the south. This assault was far from over, and now they had a giant in tow crying like a baby what was the trio to do?
Next Episode: They're Throwing What Now?!
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