21 printable folding paper minis for popular Dungeons and Dragons Player Character race/class combinations.
I started with the pre-generated characters found in the "Starter Set - The Lost Mine of Phandelver" in both male and female versions, then extended the collection to include other popular combinations such as the Tiefling Warlock and Half-Orc Barbarian. I then threw in a few more interesting characters such as the Eladrin Bard and Tortle Druid to spark your imagination beyond the Player's Handbook.
These minis are all full-colour original art, with the backs in silhouette. Two print options have been provided, one with themed colour backgrounds, and one with white backgrounds to save ink or be trimmed to shape. They are all scaled to correct heights and when folded suit a standard 1 inch (25mm) battle grid. You could have a party of 5 characters printed, cut, folded, taped and ready to play in minutes! The paper bases can also be cut off to use plastic mini holders or clips.
Full List of Included Minis: Human Fighter (Male/Female), Wood Elf Ranger (M/F), Dwarf Cleric (M/F), Halfling Rogue (M/F), High Elf Wizard (M/F), Gnome Sorcerer (M/F), Tiefling Warlock (M/F), Half-Orc Barbarian (M/F), Half-Elf Monk (M/F), Dragonborn Paladin (Unisex), Eladrin Bard (Unisex), Tortle Druid (Unisex)
If your players need some bad guys to fight, or you need help running the Lost Mine campaign, check out my other products. I have the complete set of paper minis needed to run the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure available as well as Quest, NPC, Magic Item cards and more! A discounted bundle pack (includes these printouts!) is available here.
Please leave me some feedback and shout out if there is another module or mini-set you'd like to see added to the Zalgariath Gaming collection!
Cheers, James
D&D Lost Mine of Phandelver Player Character Printable Paper Minis
Upon purchase you will be able to download a PDF with a link to my Google Drive. This link will allow you to access the product, as well as any updates to it in the future.