7th-9th of Eleasis (Highsun) – Summer 1486
Location: Nightstone & The Ardeep Forest
A soft mist of annoyingly invasive rain fell. Exhausted and slightly soggy, Smacky, Cockseepage and Pinko returned to Nightstone by midmorning after a restless night camped in the Dripping Caves. Instantly they noted a crude footbridge had been erected over the moat and many muddy footprints had already graced the boards. Guards dressed in black and bearing the flying snake on their shields blocked the entrance but greeted them fondly when they spotted the “Fang” broaches pinned on whatever passed for a lapel on each weary traveller. It appeared the Zhentarim were moving quickly to restore Nightstone to productivity and sure up the defences. Retiring to the Inn, the party found the Morrak the Dwarf who was the spokesman for the townsfolk in the caves, inspecting the Cloud Giant and Goblin damage and shaking his head grumbling. He beamed upon seeing the adventurers walk in and showed them up to the least damaged room. “Thank you so much again, consider this room at your disposal as long as you need it, no charge”. He offered.
Taking the opportunity to rest and recover from their first real undertaking together, their new host did everything he could to put them all at ease. Morak served up a hot lunch of mushrooms and eggs apologetically. Meat and grain would be tough to come by for a little while with the goblins having stolen the larger livestock and burnt the windmill down, he explained. Pinko made a good show of questioning what would have possessed the nasty little green skins to do such a thing while Seeps elbowed Smacky in the guts to stop him from giggling.
Morak explained that Xoltin and Kella had taken up residence in the ruins of the Keep as the new Town ‘Managers’ and a temporary repair had allowed crossing the damaged Keep Bridge possible if the party wished to visit them for their reward. He personally cared little about the politics of the new Lords, one was as good as another as long as the town was safe and prosperous, supplying him with trade. He did add however that other returned townsfolk who were closer to the Nandar’s were not as trusting of the new Management. In particular, a few of the ex-guards now stripped of their former roles. The Zhentarim had already brought in essentials for the town merchant, the Lionshield Coster Trading Company, and he’d seen the Apothecary collecting in the forest on the way home.
Bellies full, a quick wander around town in the afternoon and it was obvious the Zhents had wasted no time taking over. The town was a hive of activity with a mixture of townsfolk picking through the damage and new arrivals dressed in black taking stock of what Nightstone had to offer. The villagers were generally grateful to the Adventures as they wandered around and already repairs and rubble clearing had begun.
Crossing the make-shift Keep Bridge, Pinko noted the Black Pendant of the Zhents flew proudly in the breeze at the top of the castle. Xoltin was busy seeing to the ‘refurbishment’ of the new ‘offices’ but thrilled to see the guests of honour arrive. “Miss Seepage, Master Pinko, Smacky, so glad you survived. The returning townsfolk sang of the brave warriors who freed them from the horrid little goblins. We were concerned when you did not return with them. You have done the Network a service and we pay our debts.” He produced a pouch of 200 gold, a Potion of Invulnerability, and three golden pins in the shape of a Wolf’s head. “Consider yourselves promoted. Show that pin to others in our family, and they will aid you the best they can. Go now, rest, drink, relax, and spend some time in town. I know you’ll be keen to leave Nightstone soon, but before you head off do swing by one more time as Kella has a delicate matter you may be able to assist with that naturally, carries further reward.
Xoltin was more correct than he realised, as instead of returning to her friends at the Inn, Seeps snuck off to journey up to the Ardeep Forest, half a day north of town, to see if Blowinbogan would come good on his promised reward for clearing out Dripping Caves.
<The party reached Level 4 after ‘rescuing’ the townsfolk! Pinko grew in Wisdom, Smacky beefed up his Constitution and Cockseepage took a class in the feat of Acting.>
Back at the Inn, Morak approached Smacky and requested his aid in repairing the damage the Cloud Giant boulders and goblins had caused. Smacks spent the next six days flexing his muscles carrying heavy things and bashing bits of wood at the Zhent builder’s directions and was paid mostly in beer…. Which suited him fine. On one particularly impressive post-work refreshment session, he was pondering exactly how to get the massive rock now living in the common room outside when he had a rare burst of artistic insight and instead of shifting it, crudely carved it into a new bar which Morak was so taken with, he commissioned a new sign and upon its grand reopening, "The Nightstone Inn” was rebranded “The Cloud Rock Bar”.
While his half-orc friend played carpenter, and Cockseepage was nowhere to be found, Pinko sought out the town’s Apothecary to finally get some help with what brought them to Nightstone, discovering a cure to the Transformation Lock Curse plaguing his commune back in the Neverwinter Woods. He and Destiny, the Tiefling herbalist, tried many combinations with limited success. Nothing seemed to be able to force a Wild Shaped Pinko to revert to Druid form. “It doesn’t make sense.” Destiny mused after another failed salve dripped off the filthy Pinko-Wolf in her study. “These are the three varieties your green friend said he used on you the first time… Dispellium Minora, Woodfriend and Nightstone Nightcaps. The latter is rather toxic, it must be said, damages the brain. Regardless, why won’t they work? What is missing?” Pinko let his fur recede and stood again on two legs. “Well… there was one tiny difference the first time.” He hesitantly offered. “Smacky did rub crushed mushrooms on me, but not with his hands.” Destiny looked at him confused. “Shit.” Expelled the Druid quietly. Unphased Destiny began “No need to swear, I only meant…” Pinko cut her off. “No, SHIT! Shit is the answer! Half-Orc Poop!” exclaimed a growingly excited Pinko as the missing ingredient became clear. There must have been something about the gastrointestinal processing of the mushrooms that combined, triggered their magic properties to lift the curse. This initial euphoria was quickly dampened as it dawned on him while explaining to Destiny, exactly what his insight meant he now had to do. With a lot less jubilance, he trudged off to the Inn with a big bag of Mushies to give Smacky for his dinner.

The drunk barbarian was at the bar after a hard day carrying heavy things for the skilled trades. He greedily consumed the package of fungus and promised Pinko a “Special Delivery” in the morning, which was promptly dumped at the apothecary in due course. Destiny and Pinko conducted one final nervous experiment. This time, when the (well gloved) Herbalist dragged a brown smear of digested shrooms across “Binky’s” adorable forehead, nothing Pinko did to maintain his concentration could keep him in puppy form and he sprang back to his usual stinky Elven self. The breakthrough had been made, and Pinko stocked up on enough dried shrooms to hopefully cure the entire commune… or what remained of it at least.
On her journey to the eaves of the Ardeep, Seepage witnessed the evidence of a running battle between the Earseeker Orcs and Blowy’s band of Wood Elf Scouts. It was fortunate the orc numbers had been culled prior to their arrival at Nightstone. Though greeted with caution at the forest border, she was soon escorted to the Queen’s Tree where she was levitated to a high platform and reunited with Blowinbogan. He presented her to his mother, Moolaylovére, and verified her deeds in the Dripping Caves. Though her usual blunt and charming self, Seepage was courteous and eloquent enough to be granted a rare privilege, safe passage through the Woods of the Ardeep Elves should she and her friends have need. Further, Moolay presented her with an emerald studded golden hair clip in the shape of an Ardeep Oakleaf, which the Warlock quickly decided would be best employed as a device of self-pleasure, and confused the border guards as she left the forest with sounds not likely to have been oft heard in those woods.
The night Cockseepage returned from Ardeep, Kella found her and Smacky drinking once more at the newly christened Cloud Rock Bar. “I have a small problem” she announced conspiratorially while pushing two tankards towards them. “There are three ex-guards who are not exactly enthused with our new style of management and are slowing the recovery of the town. I thought you could perhaps use your unique skills to resolve this little issue? The community would be most grateful to no longer worry about troublemakers stirring up discontent in our happy little village.” Seepage perked up, this sounded like fun. Smacky was just happy about the free beer. “The first gentleman is Willard.” Kella continued, placing a small bag of gold on the counter in front of the Tiefling. “He didn’t meet our stringent criteria for guard work and now sleeps in the hayloft of the stables. Take care of it.” She stood and rose without waiting for a response.
Next Episode: It's Time to Relax (Pt2: Dem Pesky Guards)